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Scientific Research

Vine Decline research steps
by Bob Morrissey

A combined effort between the FWA and NWA is progressing to gain momentum and begin an aggressive research effort with the collaborative efforts of Dr. Pam Roberts – UF/IFAS, Dr. Benny Bruton – USDA (Lane, OK) and Scott Adkins – USDA (Ft. Pierce, FL).  The NWPB has also pledged some financial support to this effort.

This disease, unfortunately, is not one that will be solved overnight.  It will take time to research three specific areas to get to the root of the problem:

1.    What is causing the problem?
2.    How is it getting there?
3.    What can we do to stop it?

Additionally, Vern Highley is leading the NWA’s effort with Congress in Washington to gain federal funding to accelerate this needed effort, and dedicate additional research resources against the disease before it spreads to other states.  There are no guarantees of federal funding, but be rest assured that we are doing everything that we can with Washington to achieve our goal.

How can you help us with this Washington effort?  Write your Congressmen/women to support the NWA’s request of $1,050,000 to battle severe plant disease that is confronting our producers and causing economic hardships.  You can also fax it to Representative Henry Bonilla, Chairman, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture at fax # 202-225-2535.  Your help will be beneficial to our efforts.  Please help us, to help you!


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